I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again #togetherwearebetter! Monday, 2/26, was our annual technology PD day here at the East Bridgewater Public Schools and so many of our own SHINED 🌞 ! Many teachers had the chance to show off what they’re doing with technology and share with colleagues. We had 32 sessions offered throughout the day with 21 of our own staff presenting! It was a great day and so many ideas are already being put into practice. If you check out our Twitter hashtag #greattobeaviking you can see many of the highlights of our technology integration. Spreading the love, and best practices, is what it’s all about! Check out just a few of the many great presentations below:
Google Classroom 📎 
Seriously, who doesn’t LOVE Google Classroom?! After out tech PD day, even administrators were inspired to use this GREAT tech tool! Principal Andrew Gentile has now started a Google Classroom for his staff where he is posting all sorts of great, important information! What a great use of Classroom and also modeling taking risks! Bill Silva did an awesome job showing off Google Classroom and all it can do! Check out Bill’s presentation below, he touches upon all of the great features of Classroom and how he uses it.
1:1 Chromebooks in Grades 1 & 2
Have you wondered how our 1st and 2nd graders are using their 1:1 Chromebooks? Well Sarah Beberman and Kim Hardiman have a great presentation below that shows how they use 1:1 technology in their classrooms. It is AMAZING and so impressive that some of our youngest students are doing so much with Chromebooks! Imagine what these kiddos will be able to do as they progress through our school system!
SeeSaw – A Digital Portfolio
SeeSaw is a pretty awesome Digital Portfolio where students can post pictures, activities, videos and much, much more! Tori Cameron did a wonderful job presenting SeeSaw to many of our staff. The next day, Joan McLaughlin was already using it and her students LOVED it! Way to go Tori, and way to go Joan!
Have you wondered how our early grades are using iPads? Preschool, Kindergarten and half of first grade are 1:1 with iPads. Walk into Sandi Telless‘s room and you can easily see her students are pretty tech saavy on the iPads! Check our her slides below where she shares some of her favorite iPad apps she uses in her Kindergarten classroom:
Differentiating with Tech
Have you thought about how to differentiate with technology? Beth Barra does a great job running small groups and having activities at different levels for her students. The very next day I saw collaboration with the same Flipgrid topic in both Beth‘s room and Kim Hardiman‘s room. Nice job ladies! Check it out below:
These are only JUST A FEW of many great presentations. If you would like to see them all be sure to visit our East Bridgewater Smart PD Site or reach out to me at Efisher@ebps.net. I cannot express enough how much I enjoyed planning, engaging, presenting, networking, and reflecting on this day! Thank you to all of those who were a part of it! It is truly GREAT to be a Viking!
oFISHally yours,
Thanks for the shoutout! (: