One of the best features of Google Products is the ability to share items we’ve made. #TogetherWeAreBetter and many teachers feel this way. You can comb the web and find so many teacher-created, FREE, materials to use in your room. I am a firm believer in “sharing is caring” and I love it when I see others that feel this way too. TeachersPayTeachers does have many good resources, but let’s face it, we’re not on an unlimited budget as classroom teachers. Below you will find many AMAZING, FREE, items you can use in the classroom that are made for you and ready to use with students! Check out some great templates below, and see the “Fish” on my Plate this week!
Google Doc (free) Newspaper Templates 📰
Have you ever wanted to send out a newsletter in a newspaper format? How about making a classroom newspaper as a class, or individual student project? Check out these SUPER cool templates to create a newspaper in Google Docs. Simply click the one you like and it opens to an editable version! These templates are very easy (and fun) to work with!
Click here to access this great resource!
Google Doc (free) Graphic Organizers 📂
If you click this site here, you will be brought to a site that offers MANY, free, graphic organizers and templates made in Google Docs and Draw. Simply File>Make a Copy to use these great resources! Push it out via Google Classroom to have access to all students’ work! Enjoy!
Google Draw (free) AMAZING Templates ✏️
Eric Curts, of Control Alt Achieve, is perhaps my FAVORITE tech blogger. He is constantly posting amazing resources and providing video explanations on how to use them. He even gives out PDP credits if you watch his webinars and take a quiz following it. If you click this link here, you will be brought to his MANY templates that he’s created using Google Tools. These are free to use, edit, modify and push out to students, he only asks that you do not charge when using his resources (meaning you don’t alter something and put it up on Teachers Pay Teachers for $$).
Here is a screenshot of one example of a template he has created called “compose a Tweet” template. This would be really cute to have students create a fake Tweet:
Google Classroom Tips and Tricks 💡
This isn’t so much about Templates but with Google Classroom being the leader in applications used in our district, I thought I would share a great post by Tony Vincent. He has some great tips and tricks when using Google Classroom like using Emojis in your announcements or assignments. He also shows how you can use the Google Classroom App on say an iPad with a stylus and draw on assignments to offer feedback. What a great idea! Check out his post by clicking here.
If you end up using these great items, invite me in to see! I love visiting and seeing the great things you do! 
oFISHally Yours,