MARCH of the FISH 🍀 🐟 🦁

 🍀 March of the FISH 🍀

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We are MARCHING closer to Spring, even if March is coming in like a Lion 🦁! The first of March and snow is predicted, can you believe it? Just like the weather, technology is also offering us a storm of new ideas! There are so many tools, tips, and tidbits – that it can be tough to keep it all together (Like that alliteration there?)!  Fear not…that’s why my blog is here! Take a look below at some of my finds this week. I think they are totally top notch and many come from awesome teachers you know!

Classroom Screen Bitmoji Image

Thank you Amy Ronayne, 8th grade ELA teacher, for showing me this!

 If you don’t have a home screen set, you may want to have this as your opening tab. No login, FREE TOOL, and look at the screenshot below for all the little tools it gives you. A whiteboard to draw on (smart users), a clock, timer with fun sounds like Mario theme song, noise monitor, traffic light, and MORE! You can also set cool moving backgrounds from their library. This is SUCH A GOOD FINDClick here to check it out!

Tournament Template Bitmoji Image

March is a BIG month for tournaments and there’s quite a bit of madness involved. If you’re looking for a GREAT site with already-made, interactive templates, Flippity.Net is a wonderful tool! It has a Template that is EASY to use for tournaments! Check out the video below!

Jeopardy-Like Game Bitmoji Image

Thank you Cassie Wadden for showing me this COOL site below that has a neat Jeopardy-style game among other features.  Although this site does have a fee structure, it does have some pretty neat free components if you’re looking for something game-like, or for review.

Interactive Fiction Bitmoji Image

Have you heard of Interactive Fiction?  I had not until Amy Schleinkofer gave me a call following her public library visit over the February break! According to Wikipedia: “Interactive fiction, often abbreviated IF, is software simulating environments in which players use text commands to control characters and influence the environment.”  She tried it whole class with her students and they LOVED it. It’s similar to coding…what a GREAT activity!

Digital Agenda Template Bitmoji Image

This resource is an AWESOME creation by Laura Cahill, fellow Massachusetts Edtech Coach. She made a beautiful template, complete with a timer linked, to use as your initial screen as kids walk in.  Simply duplicate the slide everyday for your whole year of Agendas. It includes an objective space, homework, classroom, subject, and bellringer box. You can also modify it!  I made a copy for myself and added it to our own Template Gallery for East Bridgewater!

For this great template Click Here!

Google Quick Tip: Google Classroom Updates Bitmoji Image

Classroom has had a few updates as of late. You can read about them here or see a short video below. The Stream and the settings have recently changed. Remember how the Stream used to appear – well it’s back (sort of)!!!


I hope you’re finding success with technology tools! Reach out and let me know!

Have a great day! 😃

oFISHally yours,

Erin Fisher 🐟 🐟 🐟

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